Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Space Baby/Pumpkinhead Update

The afternoon we trekked back to the pediatrician's office to re-check Reagan's bilirubin level, and it the results were really promising. Yesterday, the level had been at 19, and by today it had dropped all the way to 13. According to the PA, that's a really big one-day drop and a really good sign. Coupled with the fact that Reagan also gained 1.5 ounces in one day (0.5 would have been acceptable) and that she continues to output urine and stool regularly (to say the least), we may be at the beginning of the end of this little adventure. We're going to keep her on the light bed for a few more hours today, but then we get to stop using it pending another test tomorrow afternoon. If the bilirubin keeps dropping, we might be done, except for a re-check at two weeks and again at one month.

By the way, there is no "normal" bilirubin level since it is a waste product and needs to be excreted by the body. Ultimately, it will get to zero, and once it's on its way down, it's unlikely to go back up. Here endeth the lesson.

1 comment:

  1. SO happy to hear things are getting better with the jaundice & Reagan is doing better. Love the posts, it is great to be able to keep up with y'all so well!
