Well, that was an interesting weekend.
First of all, the visit with Gramms and Granddad was great, so there are no pictures of Gramms holding a shrieking baby. And there are no pictures of Granddad holding a baby of any kind since holding infants is not something he does. Amanda really loved him, though (and Gramms, too!) which was great to see. Amanda has always been stand-offish around people she only sees occasionally, but this time she warmed up very quickly and was giving the grandparents hugs and kisses in no time. Overall, we had a great visit with the folks.
As for the ongoing saga that is Reagan's sleep pattern, we ran the gamut over the weekend. Friday night was probably her worst so far. After the 2:00 a.m. feeding, she wouldn't go back to sleep longer than about 10 minutes at a time. She just kept fussing and fussing until after the 7:00 a.m. feeding, at which point she finally settled down and slept. At some point during the night, we switched her to the "sensitive" formula instead of the regular stuff, and that may have ultimately helped. Or maybe not. It's hard to tell with these little critters. But the damage was done, and we spent Saturday wandering zombie-like throughout the house.
Saturday night was certainly better than Friday but was by no means ideal. Reagan was able to go back to sleep after each feeding, but she would only sleep for two-and-a-half to three hours between them. Before that, she had been making it as long as four hours before needing to be fed again, which was fantastic. Still, since she went back to sleep easily, we're going to call it a "win."
And Sunday night was even better still. She fed well, went back to sleep afterward, and slept longer than three hours between each feeding. It was sheer bliss compared to Friday. Let's hope that continues tonight.
We decided that Reagan's sleeping problems (such as they are) can be traced back to gas. Despite the fancy bottles we're using that are supposed to prevent/minimize gas issues, she just bloats up like summer road-kill while she takes the bottle. While I would think the volume of gas should make it easy to burp her, that hasn't proven to be true, and I struggle to get any kind of burp out of her at all. Susan is better at it, but it's still not easy for her. The result is that feedings can be interrupted by burping sessions lasting upwards of fifteen minutes. It's very, very frustrating.
Even with the occasional problems, we realize that, in the grand scheme of things, we are blessed to have another easy baby. Of course, both Amanda and Reagan are probably just saving their real problems for the teenage years.
ReplyDeleteAnother wonderful report! Yeah thanks Tom for being so good at posting updates. It sounds like everyone is doing "ok" as they say, could be worse! I love the new picture. Can't wait to visit you all soon! Keep up the good work. Love, (Aunt) Terri
Oh my gosh! We've been in the same gas boat! Naps and nighttime have gotten pretty unpredictable. I hope the sleep comes soon!