This picture may look familiar to some of the parents out there, but for the uninitiated, what you're seeing is Reagan lying on a light bed as treatment for jaundice. We thought we were out of the woods for that when her bilirubin level went down while she was in the hospital, but at yesterday's first visit with our pediatrician, the level had spiked up again. To get the bilirubin level where it needs to be, Reagan needs to lay on this light bed so the light can help break down the bilirubin so she can get rid of it easier. Unfortunately, she basically has to lie on this thing constantly (except for meal times), so we haven't been able to really hold her since about 6:15 last night.
When we first put Reagan on the light bed, she cried for a LONG time, which was just awful for Susan and me to hear. We felt so helpless. Since then, however, she has actually been pretty good (maybe because she tired herself out), and she slept better last night than the previous two. She woke up hungry at the appropriate times (1:00 and 4:00) and ate well. So after a rough start, Reagan has adapted to the light bed quite well. Hopefully, that's an indication that she'll adapt very easily to change, just like her sister.
Speaking of Amanda, she also had jaundice as a newborn and needed to lay on one of these contraptions. However, that was at the hospital, so it didn't seem as weird or serious as having a piece of medical equipment sitting in our house. This time around, it's almost like Amanda knows what Reagan is going through because she has asked no questions whatsoever about the light bed! Ha ha ha, not really . . . she won't stop asking about it.
We go back to the doctor this afternoon for another bilirubin check. While we're not expecting to be able to ditch the light bed after one day, we both think Reagan looks less yellow today than she did yesterday, so, fingers crossed. The doctor's office said the beds are usually used anywhere from two to three days up to a couple of weeks.
And when this is over, if I ever have to say the word "bilirubin" again, it'll be too soon.
Thanks again for the update Tom! I actually cannot see the yellow on Reagan in the picture but I'm sure in person it seems very obvious to you. I know this is a normal baby thing so I have no worries it will be under control soon. Amanda looks like she is quite interested in her little sister! Yea! I can't wait to see you all in person soon. Thanks for the lesson in billirubin and all! I learn something new everyday from your posts! They are quite informative. I actually think you missed your calling and should be a writer! Love you - Terri (Aunt)