Friday, August 6, 2010

Same Old, Same Old . . .

We've settled into a routine here over the last couple of days, so there's really not much news to report. Reagan is still doing really well, and it looks like her jaundice has almost completely gone away. She's still sleeping and eating well, though the pattern is not yet what we're looking for. Ideally, we want her to be awake after she eats instead of settling into a milk coma after (or in the middle of) each feeding. We did that for Amanda, and she has always been a really good sleeper. We hope to get that straightened out in the next couple of weeks.

So far, Amanda has not gotten bored with Reagan and still seems really interested in what she's doing. She also likes to kiss her head and touch her cheek or nose. We've had to reprimand her for trying to touch Reagan's eyes, but overall the interaction has been very loving. Tonight, Susan brought Reagan into Amanda's room for her bedtime routine, and Amanda snuggled in bed with her sister, which was just adorable.

I worked full days yesterday and today for the first time since Reagan's birth, so at least I'm getting some sort of return to normalcy. I think Susan still has some residual "pregnancy brain" because after feeding Reagan yesterday, she put her shirt back on not backwards, not inside out, but BOTH backwards AND inside out. The tag was on the outside under her chin. And we both knew that brain-fart was going to go on the blog. And so it did.

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