Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oh, yeah ... I remember this

It's almost 5:00, and Susan hasn't slept at all. I've "slept" just a little. By the time we kind of settled down, it was after midnight, but then it was almost time for the 1:00 feeding! That went pretty well, with Reagan latching on and getting her first taste of mama's milk. The 4:00 feeding didn't go as well, but we'll keep trying.

Susan's epidural wore off quite a while ago, and her body keeps reminding her of what it just went through. She's having pretty bad abdominal pain, which the breast feeding apparently makes worse. She has been hitting the pain button like a Jeopardy! contestant. Plus, her carpal tunnel syndrome is just as bad as ever, which makes it hard to hold Reagan to feed her. But Susan has been quite the trouper and continues to amaze me.

Reagan's blood sugar has been fine the last couple of times they measured it. Her breathing is good, as well. Hopefully she'll continue to successfully adapt to the world!

Oh, good ... Susan just dozed off. :-)


  1. Good morning! Please give my sister a kiss from me and tell her to sleep, sleep, sleep whenever she can. I am so sorry she is hurting, bless her heart. At least this is the last time she'll be going through this, if there is any comfort in that thought for her. I'm very proud of my sister for doing such a good job of taking care of herself through this pregnancy. The breastfeeding is supposed to help with the healing from the c-section so that's what you are feeling. Remember if you don't want to do it, you don't have to put that extra stress on yourself. Bottles work just fine, too! I sure hope you get lots and lots of rest today. We'll talk soon. Kisses to all of you! Love, (Aunt)Terri

  2. Congratulations to both of you! We're sorry you won't be able to hang out with us at the lake this weekend, but glad (especially for Susan's sake) that your bundle of joy is here a bit ahead of schedule. Looking forward to pictures and hope Susan recovers quickly. Love, (Aunt) Anne
    P.S. Whose idea was the red font on fuschia background? My old eyes are in shock....

  3. Oh, wow, sounds like things are a little crazy, but I hope things get better. Can't believe it all happened the way it did, so cool though! Good luck and congratulations!
