Okay, after much trial and error, I managed to figure out how to post an album on here (another downside to the early birth -- I didn't have time to master the blogging site). So there's the first album, over there to your right. I'm not sure how long the President Reagan theme will continue, but I'm sure I'll work it in where I can.
Today has been much more relaxing for all of us than yesterday or the day before. First of all, our decision to let the nurses handle the middle-of-the-night feeding was sheer brilliance. We actually got close to six hours of uninterrupted sleep, so we were ready for the 5:30 feeding. Susan was able to take a shower afterward, which really helped her feel even better. She continues to heal and can get up and move around at will now. I'll have her fetching me Funyuns from the snack bar by tomorrow.
While Susan rested, I was able to get home and take care of a few things which had been left undone because of the unscheduled birth. I drove Susan's car home. It had been parked at the parking deck at the doctor's office since Tuesday, so I couldn't wait to see how much THAT was going to cost me. Well, after the booth attendant summoned his supervisor for a pow-wow, it was determined that I owed the princely sum of $5. Ouch! But I digress . . .
Reagan (oh yeah . . . her) has had a good day, too. Her blood sugars officially satisfied the hospital folk, so she no longer needs her heel pierced every three hours. She also has exclusively taken breast milk today, and has done great at thee of the four feedings so far. The neonatologist checked her out again and confirmed that she does not have the same "hip click" that consigned Amanda to an awkward harness for her first ten weeks. There's a chance she might develop slight jaundice in the next day or so, so they're keeping an eye on that.
We also had a bunch more visitors today, most of them from Susan's office. It's so nice of people to go out of their way to visit us, and we appreciate each and every visit. Hard as it may be to imagine, it can get kind of dull in a hospital room. Even the dynamic conversation of a one-day-old can't keep us entertained for too long. But man, is she cute!
You are the best Tom for being so diligent and reporting in a timely manner! Because you KNOW your sister-in-law is waiting patiently to hear updates! Everything sounds wonderful - you guys are pros at this now, huh? Wish I was one of your visitors but I am in spirit! Keep up the good work and can't wait to see you soon. Love, Terri