Friday, July 30, 2010

Day Three Update

At the close of the third day, things continue to cook along smoothly in Room 272. We had another solid (under the circumstances) night's sleep, and Reagan has been good for us almost all day. While there were a couple of times when she cried for no discernible reason, she basically sleeps all day, which is totally fine with us. It is really sweet to see Reagan resting comfortably in her mommy's arms after a good meal.

Amanda paid us another visit today, as Nana brought her down around lunch time. She is still very interested in her baby sister and asked lots of questions. Actually, she had about three questions which she asked lots of times.

To pass the time, I took Amanda to Chick-Fil-A for lunch (and to get something for Susan and Nana), which seemed like a good idea at the time. Unfortunately, there was a person in a cow costume at the Chick-Fil-A, and if there's one thing Amanda doesn't like, it's people in animal costumes. And monkeys. She also hates monkeys. Anyway, I spent the entire (brief) trip to Chick-Fil-A trying to prevent Amanda from going into cardiac arrest at the sight of a giant, friendly cow. Mission accomplished.

Other than Amanda's slight emotional trauma the day was fairly uneventful, giving me an opportunity to compile a few random observations:
  • Though it's apparently normal, Reagan has a newborn rash which makes her look like an geeky high school kid.
  • While we're on the subject of geeky high school kids, Reagan shares a birthday with the late Gary Gygax, co-inventor of Dungeons & Dragons! Cool!
  • Susan's recent bout of snoring over the past few months appears to have been cured by downloading the life form within her.
  • Reagan has a Houdini-esque way of escaping her swaddling. Within minutes of starting to stir, her arms are loose and flailing about.
  • Her flailing arms have caused a whole bunch of tiny scratches on Reagan's face. Looks like she's been in a really tiny knife fight.
The last remaining health concern the staff has been following has been the potential for Reagan to develop jaundice. But her numbers are trending in the right direction, so we're optimistic we'll all be cleared to leave tomorrow.

So we're basically done with the third day, and we're ready to go home and gather our family under one roof. Despite our preparation and our prior experience with Amanda, the home front will undoubtedly present a host of unforeseen challenges. But we'll conquer them, and we'll have fun doing it!


  1. OMG LMAO about the cow! Wish I could've been there! OMG I can only imagine how it went! Haha! Sorry I shouldn't laugh at my little niece but seriously!!!! Tom your choice of words is hysterical - downloading the life form within her???? And last but not least, love the tiny knife fight! You crack me up!Thanks for blogging - it has definitely helped me feel close to what's going on and soon I'll be able to help out for a week at least. It was sooooooo good skyping with you again tonite and again seeing my beautifully perfect new little niece! Tomorrow will be another big day - going home - oh boy!! So until then, hope you both get some good rest tonite cuz' you're gonna need it!!! Love to all, Terri(Aunt)

  2. You are too funny with the captions and posts, I love this blog so far! Glad things are seeming to go well, can't wait to hear the updates from home. Good luck heading home tomorrow as a family of 4!!
