Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Best Laid Plans

Well, when I started this blog two days ago, we were two and a half weeks from the c-section, and everything was on schedule. The checklists were getting smaller, the excitement was slowly building, and the reality of he impending arrival was gradually setting in.

Cut to this morning, and baby Reagan announced in her own way that had her own schedule. Susan was working at her desk when her water broke. A quick appointment with the OB followed, and Susan was sent to the hospital to be prepped for the c-section.

On hearing the news, I raced home to pack a bag (one of the un-checked items from the list) and get to the hospital. Let me tell you, you have never seen a more random and disorganized packing job as the one I threw together. There's no telling what I forgot and what I threw in that we don't need.

Anyway, we're right now sitting an a labor and delivery room at Piedmont Hospital. Since Susan ate lunch, she's got to wait (barring any unforeseen issues) to have the c-section until about 8:30 tonight.

Before leaving for the hospital, I was able to tell Amanda that Reagan decided to come early, and she said, "and I'm going to be a big sister?". She's very excited, and we hope she can come down tomorrow to visit. For now, she's in good hands, with Miss Erin (nanny) until 5:30 and Nana Joy taking over this evening and overnight.

The waiting begins/continues . . .


  1. Hi Reagan,
    I can't believe I talked to your Mommy and Daddy tonight while they are waiting for you to be born!

  2. Pretty sure the bag wasn't THAT disorganized knowing you!! LOL
